Stats Visualizer

Contributers: Elaine Liu, Jimmy Yan, Ryan Xu, Nicole Karas
My Role: Full-stack Developer

The purpose of this project was to produce the Software Requirements Specification document for a statistics visualization program (including use case digrams, domain models, activity diagrams, sequence diagrams) and to develop the program by implementing various design patterns learned in the CS2212 Intro to Software Engineering course. The statistics visualizer display retrieves data from the World Bank Database, applies the appropriate analyses (i.e. strategies), and displays the results on the UI. The program implements 5 design patterns: proxy (for login), singleton (for launching the application), strategy (for the different analyses), factory method (for dropdown menus), and observer (for displaying graphs). The program implements the Model-View-Controller architecture style.

Built With

Java GUI
World Bank API


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See full project requirements: CS2212B-Project-Description