Healthy Heart

Contributers: Elaine Liu
My Role: Full-stack Developer, Designer

High blood pressure is the #1 risk factor for stroke and a major risk factor for heart disease. It is such a common health concern and there are many resources online that provide information about high blood pressure but for seniors, they may not be easily accessbile. That's why I built Healthy heart - a simple and informative web application to help seniors understand their blood pressure. Healthy heart is built using Python Flask and uses the OpenCV library to livestream the photo footage and capture an image. A request is sent to the Google Cloud Vision API which detects the text in the image and interprets it as the user’s blood pressure. The results are returned to the application and depending on the user’s blood pressure, it displays the appropriate advice and provides them with more resources and way to help control and maintain a healthy blood pressure.

Built With

Google Cloud Vision API

Figma Mockups
